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Research projects

The Laboratory Project Portfolio is presented by studies of various focus 

Analysis of the potential development of cultural and tourist clusters located in the Arctic zone of the Republic of Karelia, the Murmansk Region and in the Russia-Finland border area
Grantmaker: The Expert Center Project Office for Arctic Development (the PORA Expert Center)

The project has been carried out as part of the HSE Program of Fundamental Studies.

Curators: Gordin, V.E., Sizova I.A., Polomarchuk, A.K.

Development of scenarios and recommendations for interaction with the target audience in the context of transforming the concept of Alexander Park in Pushkin city
Curators: Gordin, V.E., Polomarchuk, A.K.

Analysis of tools for updating professional competencies of employees of cultural institutions and event organizers in St. Petersburg
Curators: Gordin, V.E., Polomarchuk, A.K.

Curators: Gordin V.E., Shishova E.S.

Curators: Gordin,V.E.,Gorgadze,A.A., Polomarchuk,A.K.

Research on creative potential for the development of cultural tourism
Curators: Matetskaya,M.V., Kuzmina,K.A., Shishova,E.S.

Curators: Gordin, V.E.,Trabskaya,Y.G.,Matetskaya, M.V.

Museum Quarter in St. Petersburg
Curators: Gordin, V.E., Kuzmina K.A.

The usage of web analytics tools to study the effects of cultural and creative industries
Curators: Matetskaya, M.V., Kuzmina, K.A., Shishova E.S.

Project "Village practice in the art-steading "Kaykino 10"
Curator: Matetskaya, M.V.

Curators: Matetskaya, M.V., Kuzmina, K.A., Shishova, E.S.

Destination Brand Formations
Curator: Trabskaya, Y.G.

Research of the services of military historical reconstruction festivals
Curators: Gordin, V.E., Dedova, M.A.

Study of the socio-economic importance of cultural festivals
Curators: Gordin, V.E., Dedova, M.A.

Portrait of consumers of traditional cultural products in the context of the interaction of cultural institutions and creative industries
Curator: Magidovich, M.L.

Study of the event "Night of Museums"
Curators: Gordin, V.E., Dedova, M.A.

Formation of the gastronomic brands of St. Petersburg and Russian regions
Curators: Gordin, V.E., Trabskaya Y.G.

Modern management methods in the museum
Curators: Matetskaya, M.V., Zakrevskaya, E.P.

Curators: Gordin, V.E., Matetskaya, M.V.


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