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Laboratory for Management in Culture and Tourism

Book chapter
Overtourism in Megalopolises: The Case of St. Petersburg

Gordin V. E., Borovskaya I., Fedorova E.

In bk.: Handbook of Research on the Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Responses to Overtourism. Chicago: IGI Global, 2020. P. 116-135.

Management of Culture and Tourism Laboratory conducts fundamental and applied scientific research, devoted to current issues of the development of the culture and creative industries sphere. The main emphasis in the research carried out by the Laboratory staff is placed on the study of socio-economic, managerial and information technology changes that affect cultural organizations.

The Laboratory implements projects on demand of cultural authorities of various levels, as well as a number of international projects in cooperation with foreign universities. The Laboratory participates in programs to attract Russian and foreign postdocs.

The Laboratory attracts students of various master's and bachelor's programs to conduct research, which results in term papers and final thesis, and to organize project activities.

since 2011

>35 studies
conducted by the laboratory team
133 publications
released in international (Scopus, Web of Science) and russian (RSCI, VAK) journals
>70 conferences
visited by the staff members of the Laboratory

Museum educational online services: HANDBOOK

The Laboratory has published the first edition of the handbook, which brings together 670 online educational products from museums, offering a wide range of topics for study, including both art history and management.

Museums and visitors: new formats of interaction in the post-lockdown period

The laboratory conducted a survey of 230 museums in order to identify the features of a new approach to interacting with the museum audience in the context of restrictive measures.


A platform for sharing experience in working with online museum resources


Professor Valery Gordin, laboratory head, participated to the business breakfast «BestBreakfast. Challenging and Inconvenient Real Estate – from a Liability to Asset» conducted by BestGroup and RBC. At the event, presentations were made by Anton Ivanov, chairman of the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments; Sergey Makarov, former Chairman of the St. Petersburg Committee for the State Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments and Deputy Director of the State Hermitage Museum; architectural critic Maria.Elkina and representatives of leading developers in St. Petersburg engaged in cultural heritage projects.
November 18, 2024
On November 17, 2023, the III International Forum of Young Researchers in Creative Economy was held. Valeria Zalozhnykh, Elizaveta Markina and Daria Khomyakova - students the HSE University in St. Petersburg,presented results of their research on comparison of  foreign and Russian practices in creative industries clusters.
November 17, 2024
Scientists of the Laboratory for Management in Culture and Tourism took part in the scientific-educational seminar «Preservation and Promotion of Cultural Heritage: examples and research methods» held at the Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov. The event was organized within the International academic partnership «Integrated platform solutions for the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage (cases of Samarkand and St. Petersburg)».
November 15, 2024
The researchers of the Laboratory of Management in Culture and Tourism took first place for their research of the Sevkabel Port visitors. During thefield research, they conducted a survey among guests of the creative space to identify the preferences of different social groups. As a result of the project, researchers proposed recommendations aimed at making Sevkabel Port more appealing to various target audiences. Read more about the main points of the research in our release.
November 11, 2024
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