Excessive flows of visitors were discussed at the Hermitage
Tutors and lecturers of the master's program “Cultural and event tourism management” V.E. Gordin, Ya.V. Shokola, I.A. Sizova and A.N. Kudelkina, a first-year student of the program, gave a presentation at the State Hermitage at the seminar “Visitor and Attendance. Organizational, legal and economic aspects”. Their presentation was the result of the research conducted over the past year.
The researchers analyzed the practice of regulating the flow of visitors in 120 leading museums of the world, drawing attention to the desire of museums to provide visitors with a high quality service by distributing the flow of visitors throughout the museum, including the currently under-visited halls; smooth out the unevenness of visits during the day and week. Considering this purpose, the experience of the Louvre was analyzed and digital footprints were studied, reflecting the views of various groups of visitors regarding the introduction of a fixed entrance time to the museum.
Particular attention was paid to overcome the so-called “overtourism”, which is shown in connection with the pronounced seasonality of tourism in St.Petersburg.
Besides, the results of a survey of heads of departments of the State Hermitage Museum, who are interested in solving the problems of excessive flows of visitors, were presented.
The study devoted to a very relevant problem will be continued and it is planned that Russian and foreign museums of various types and scales of activity will be its object.