XXII Forum "Strategic planning in the regions and cities of Russia"
On October 10-11, 2024, the annual XXII Forum «Strategic planning in the regions and cities of Russia» was held, featuring Prof. Valery Gordin, Head of the Laboratory for Management in Culture and Tourism, as a speaker.

'They Make a Choice Right on the Spot': Results of the Winter School
During the weekend, on February 4-5, HSE University-St Petersburg held the Winter School for which 3194 people had registered. Prospective Master's students had a chance to learn more about studies in the programmes, listened to interesting lectures from professors and business experts, and even ask Eugene Vodolazkin, a famous writer, their questions. Find out how these two days went in the article.
Youth as a Driver of Museum Development International Conference
HSE University’s Laboratory of Cultural Economics provides the “Youth as a Driver of Museum Development” International Conference.