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Tag "Reporting an event"

Research on Creative Clusters: International Experience and Prospects for Russia

On November 17, 2023, the III International Forum of Young Researchers in Creative Economy was held. Valeria Zalozhnykh, Elizaveta Markina and Daria Khomyakova - students the HSE University in St. Petersburg,presented results of their research on comparison of  foreign and Russian practices in creative industries clusters.

The staff of the Laboratory for Management in Culture and Tourism took first place at the IV International Forum of Young Researchers of the Creative Economy

The researchers of the Laboratory of Management in Culture and Tourism took first place for their research of the Sevkabel Port visitors. During thefield research, they conducted a survey among guests of the creative space to identify the preferences of different social groups. As a result of the project, researchers proposed recommendations aimed at making Sevkabel Port more appealing to various target audiences. Read more about the main points of the research in our release.

XXII Forum "Strategic planning in the regions and cities of Russia"

On October 10-11, 2024, the annual XXII Forum «Strategic planning in the regions and cities of Russia» was held, featuring Prof. Valery Gordin, Head of the Laboratory for Management in Culture and Tourism, as a speaker.

XXII Annual International Conference «Genius Loci of Russian Cities» from the Cycle «Leontief Readings»

On March 1-2, 2024, the XXII Annual International Conference «Genius Loci of Russian Cities» as a part of the «Leontiev Readings» cycle, was held. Participants included Prof. Valery Gordin, analyst of the laboratory Anastasia Polomarchuk and Valeria Zalozhnykh, a fourth-year student of the Bachelor programme in «Public Policy and Analytics».