Youth as a Driver of Museum Development International Conference
HSE University’s Laboratory of Cultural Economics provides the “Youth as a Driver of Museum Development” International Conference.

HSE − St. Petersburg Students Generate Ideas for Museums
At the annual event for start-up entrepreneurs VentureLab Weekend on March 19-21, participants of the international project 'Youth as a Driver of Museum Development', implemented by the Laboratory of Cultural Economics with the support of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in St. Petersburg, presented three projects that expand the opportunities for museums to interact with visitors.
XIX Round Table of the State Hermitage Museum “The Museum and Problems of Cultural Tourism”
On April 1, a researcher of the Laboratory, Irina Alekseevna Sizova delivered a report “Development of the digitalization process in the activities of Russian museums (based on the materials from a survey of members of the Union of Russian Museums)” within the framework of the 19th Round Table of the State Hermitage Museum “The Museum and Problems of Cultural Tourism”.
Laboratory researchers took part in an international conference «Analytics for Management and Economics Conference»
In the period from December 2 to December 9, 2020, Sizova, I.A., Polomarchuk, A.K. and Bezhko, D.S., researchers of the Laboratory, took an active part in the conference, presenting the results of research in the field of organizing museum activities and branding of territories.
Online conference "INFORMAL APPROACH 4.0"
On October 23, Irina Alekseevna Sizova, a researcher of the Laboratory, made a presentation at the online conference "INFORMAL APPROACH 4.0", organized by MOSGORTUR.
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Museum in the context of Education: Results and New vectors of development"
Valery Ernstovich Gordin, head of the Laboratory, and Irina Sizova, a researcher at the Laboratory, made a presentation at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Museum in the context of education: results and new vectors of development", which was held on October 12-13 in a remote format.

Museums Set to Diversify Visitation Formats after the Lockdown
Researchers at the HSE Laboratory of Cultural Economics (LCE) in St. Petersburg studied museums’ visitation policies during the lockdown measures. From June 1 – 9, 2020, the Laboratory of Cultural Economics joined the Russian Union of Museums to conduct a survey of 230 museums.
Festival as a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary project: competencies of festival managers
On June 16, Gordin Valery Ernstovich, head of the Laboratory of Culture Economics, was the speaker of an online seminar which was held as a part of the continuing education course “Technologies for Organization and Promotion of Events” developed by the Institute of Cultural Programs.
The festival as a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary project: the competencies of festival managers
On June 16, an online seminar was held within the framework of the advanced training course "Technologies for organizing and promoting events" developed by the Institute for Cultural Programs. The speaker of the seminar was Valery Ernstovich Gordin, Head of the Laboratory for Cultural Economics.
Excessive flows of visitors were discussed at the Hermitage
Tutors and lecturers of the master's program “Cultural and event tourism management” V.E. Gordin, Ya.V. Shokola, I.A. Sizova and A.N. Kudelkina, a first-year student of the program, gave a presentation at the State Hermitage at the seminar “Visitor and Attendance. Organizational, legal and economic aspects”. Their presentation was the result of the research conducted over the past year.